Tannia May
This Portfolio displays pieces I was asked to create. They are not Calligraphic and are not exactly as intellectual as those at tanniamay.myportfolio.com, so I decided to give them their own "space".
The tools available in Adobe Photoshop made the following possible. To have painted each one by hand would have taken an extremely long time. I am still learning about the tools provided and they are amazing. Is there anything one cannot do with Photoshop?
Fairy or Faery or Butterfly No.1

Fairy or Faery or Butterfly No.2

Fairy or Faery or Butterfly No. 3

Fairy or Faery or Butterfly No. 4

Fairy or Faery or Butterfly No. 5

Fairy or Faery or Butterfly No. 6

Butterfly or Fairy No7
Faery or Fairy No8
Fairy or Faery No 9
Fairy No. 10
Thank you!